NeuroStructural Resilience
Resilience is a term used in psychology to describe an emotional state in which people recover quickly from difficulty. It is a space...
Pillow Talk
When you lie down at night and rest your head on that fluffy pillow, you’re probably not giving much thought to your posture. After all,...
Not All Exercise is GOOD Exercise
Determining what exercises are appropriate for protecting our structural support system is a daunting task. Before attempting a new...
Negative, Neutral, Positive: Where is Your Structural Stability?
In the years we have been discussing the concepts around spine and nerve system function, we are constantly looking for ways to improve...
Protect Your Neck : The Danger of Neck Circles
There are several exercises that people commonly perform that may predispose the body to unintended injury. One of these commonly...
When PT and Chiropractic Combine
Some people seek out chiropractic care because of an injury they sustained for which they are having difficulty correcting. This is...
No Pain, No Gain
I think it is safe to say that at one point or another, we have all heard somebody use the catch phrase ‘No Pain, No Gain'. This phrase...